
Friday, February 12, 2016

True friends

         "Friends show their love in times of trouble not in happiness"

 Being a real friends means complimentary you and building you up and real friends are those who will stick you the way you are.real friends want the best for you.

we are all have bad days or weeks.We feel fearful and angry because things are changing but never lets up down even under most threatening circumstances.He or she will never ray you even.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Family is life greatest blessing

                "The love of the family is life greatest blessing"

 Family is where we belong to and from where our identity comes from. One among the greatest gift that we get in life. God gave us family to support us, teach us the importance of love and being in love. Family is the essential to everyone’s is the important to never forget our family because no matter what happen they will always there for us. We should not be taken for granted. Family should always be valued and treasured because one never knows when they will be taken away from us.

The beauty of Nature

    "Take quiet walk with mother nature.It will nurture your mind body and soul"

Nature in the broadest sense is the natural physical or material world and universe. Nature is the phenomena of the physical world and also to life in general. Through nature God is able to teach to us, communicate to us, speak to us and provide for us.And we humans are called to protect and preserve which he has created.


Monday, January 11, 2016

Holiday post

"We celebrate Christmas"

It is true that “The best gift under the Christmas tree is the presence of the happy family”

December is considered a great season of good will and merriment and because of that Christmas is greeted with special merriment rejoicing everywhere it is an occasion of happy family gathering and festivities. Most of us is decorated their homes and putting some colorful lantern, Christmas tree with their colorful Christmas light.

Christmas has been a very much time of family bonding .It is the time of happiness toward each other and it is time of when our family, friends and relatives come home to be with the people day love and because of that Christmas time is my favorite time of the year. Most of us sing the Christmas carol in memory of Christ birth visit the church and lit the candle showing our great love with God. people exchange gift often and take it for granted because this  holiday is usually associated gift that making someone smile and him realizing that you put that much though into just one gift is just one way  which Christmas bring happiness to everyone.

 We are much very familiar that most of us in this holiday season are expected of having a new dress, accessories and some expensive things but the true essence of Christmas is not all about the expensive things you have, but also the sweetest’ love you can give with them.

Christmas is a time to see the world through the eyes of love,its a time to remember that world is  made up of people like us and to seen who they are inside. 
Image result for christmas

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Welcome post


 Welcome to my blog!!!


              ...Magical update happen here regarding the beautiful images and its value...

            We know that one the greatest power of the photography is the ability of expressing ones emotion through it .The most powerful phonograph out there are the ones successfully certain mood or emotion.

                   This blog contains of the images and words that can be helpful for you and for everyone to learn and to understand the significance of those things,the deep meaning of it that can captures the heart of everybody.
